Pumping Milk at Work: Great Tips and Tricks for Working Moms

Pumping milk at work is not that easy, really. Newborn mums often face a dilemma on how to pump milk on workdays. It is no easy task to ask coworkers to understand your regular breaks or to look for a private space. It takes excellent communication and time management to make this work even when you’re at the office.
These are just some easy and great tips on how to pump at work.
Mum’s Rights
Some countries have laws that enable women to breast milk or pump at work comfortably. These laws could cover from providing breastfeeding rooms to allowing time for regular breast pumping.
Prepare a checklist
Prepare a list of items that you need to bring for pumping, collecting, storing, and transporting your breastmilk. Store them in a single bag to quickly grab everything for a quick pumping session. The most important thing which should be on top of your list is a Smart Double Electric Breast Pump. This device gives the fastest milk yield and makes pumping milk breaks faster so that you can get back to work asap.

● Collection bottles
● Cooler bag to preserve your milk until your work shift ends
● Nursing pads in case of leakage
● Pumping bras for a fast and easy milk extraction
● Extra clothes in case the liquid accidentally spills

Eonian Care provides most of these essentials that are guaranteed safe to you and your precious one. All products are innovative and designed to give you the most comfortable experience. These items are specially made for you and help you simplify breastfeeding routine, giving more time on other essential tasks. So, pumping milk at work while using our products would be a breeze for you.
Communicate with colleagues
You do not have to tell them, but letting them know may help them understand and accept this unusual routine as a breastfeeding mum. Workmates who have also experienced being a mum could also relate to this experience and would be able to give you much needed support.
Finding your private space
Companies should offer a private room where you can pump. This area might be a meeting, interview, medical room, or any other place where you can collect milk without any disturbance.
Storing milk and keeping it cool
Always have a safe place for storing your milk. Cooler bags will do, but if your workplace has a shared fridge, always remember to label your bottle or bags. When kept chilled, breastmilk remains safe for your bub to consume for three to five days.
Practice your timing
Monitor, practice, and do a trial pumping milk at work. This run will help you establish your routine and timeline so you could arrange your workload, schedule, and breaks accordingly. It will also be easier for your workmates to know where you are just in case they need you.
It is vital to use the latest innovations on the market, such as smart electric pumps, on-the-go cooler bags, stackable bottles, hands-free pumping bras, and more so you can pump milk as conveniently and as fast as possible.