Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Bottle Feeding
Parenting newborns is a never-ending challenge as there are a lot of questions to ask and things to learn. Unfortunately, there is no perfect parent, and sometimes we must accept that.
Eonian Care lists frequently asked questions about bottle feeding that may help you in your journey.
Experts recommend investing in new bottles for your second or subsequent child. Old bottles can degrade in quality and might be less safe for your newborn. However, if you think your bottle is pretty sturdy like the one from Eonian Care, we only recommend buying new nipples.
You might also need to change your bottle or teats if your sweat pea looks like they’re feeding fiercely. If they are frustratedly sucking milk, it’s time to bump to the next nipple level with a faster milk flow. On the other hand, if you notice that milk is coming out of your bub’s mouth, they might need a slow-flow nipple.
Babies also fuss when they turn gassy. You can reduce this discomfort by holding your baby’s head higher than their tummy and checking that the teat is filled with milk. Also, if they’re sucking too loud, they might take too much air. To be sure, you can pause their bottle feeding after four to five minutes to help them burp.
Change bottles less frequently with high-quality bottles like the Eonian Care Baby Bottles & Feeding Solutions Value Set. This set includes three 180ml magic cups, three 240ml magic cups, six storage lids, two adaptors, one slow flow teat with screw ring, one fast flow teat, and a straw cup conversion top so you can have everything you need to feed your baby as they grow. Our bottles also have an anti-colic design, so your baby has less chance of consuming air and feeling gassy.
Taste matters for babies, too. It might be that your baby doesn’t like what’s in the bottle. They might not like formula milk or if your pump milk is flavoured and affected by something you ate, such as garlic and onions.
You could also consider other factors, such as they might need a diaper change or they’re not hungry yet.
On some occasions, after bottle feeding, your little one may feel uncomfortable, especially when they swallow air. You can hold your baby upright against your shoulder or have them propped forward on your lap. You can gently rub their back so the trapped air can find its way out as they burp.
Don’t worry, as bubs typically bring up milk after glugging. This occurrence is called regurgitation or reflux.
It’s best to keep a muslin square or wipes. In addition, you can check out the Eonian Care Re-heatable Wet and Dry Baby Wipe and Dispenser. You could also purchase refills and a baby wipes warmer to complement your purchase.
You can also check if your baby’s teat hole is not too big. Sometimes, you might change it to a slow-flowing teat, as gulping milk can make your little one sick.
Also, avoid forcing your little one to take more milk than they want, as this may be distressing.
If you notice that they’re getting violently sick, you can contact your doctor to have your baby checked.
Always check the directions and use the recommended amount of powder on the packaging. Adding more can make your baby constipated and may even cause dehydration.
If your little one is around eight weeks old and hasn’t pooped in two to three days, you might want to check this with your midwife. Your baby should already be gaining weight and have several wet and dirty nappies.
If you notice that your baby might have allergic reactions or intolerance to formula, you must talk with your doctor, as they can prescribe another unique formula.
Some milk formulas are hypoallergenic, but your baby might be having reactions to cow’s milk. You can use soya-based products. However, they are only given under medical supervision. That’s why it is vital to talk with your doctor before using soya-based or hypoallergenic formula.
Eonian Care lists frequently asked questions about bottle feeding that may help you in your journey.
When do I need to change bottles?
Experts recommend investing in new bottles for your second or subsequent child. Old bottles can degrade in quality and might be less safe for your newborn. However, if you think your bottle is pretty sturdy like the one from Eonian Care, we only recommend buying new nipples.
You might also need to change your bottle or teats if your sweat pea looks like they’re feeding fiercely. If they are frustratedly sucking milk, it’s time to bump to the next nipple level with a faster milk flow. On the other hand, if you notice that milk is coming out of your bub’s mouth, they might need a slow-flow nipple.
Babies also fuss when they turn gassy. You can reduce this discomfort by holding your baby’s head higher than their tummy and checking that the teat is filled with milk. Also, if they’re sucking too loud, they might take too much air. To be sure, you can pause their bottle feeding after four to five minutes to help them burp.
Change bottles less frequently with high-quality bottles like the Eonian Care Baby Bottles & Feeding Solutions Value Set. This set includes three 180ml magic cups, three 240ml magic cups, six storage lids, two adaptors, one slow flow teat with screw ring, one fast flow teat, and a straw cup conversion top so you can have everything you need to feed your baby as they grow. Our bottles also have an anti-colic design, so your baby has less chance of consuming air and feeling gassy.
Why do babies sometimes hold their bottles?
Taste matters for babies, too. It might be that your baby doesn’t like what’s in the bottle. They might not like formula milk or if your pump milk is flavoured and affected by something you ate, such as garlic and onions.
You could also consider other factors, such as they might need a diaper change or they’re not hungry yet.
What do I do if my baby does not settle after feeding?
On some occasions, after bottle feeding, your little one may feel uncomfortable, especially when they swallow air. You can hold your baby upright against your shoulder or have them propped forward on your lap. You can gently rub their back so the trapped air can find its way out as they burp.
Why does my baby feel sick after feeding?
Don’t worry, as bubs typically bring up milk after glugging. This occurrence is called regurgitation or reflux.
It’s best to keep a muslin square or wipes. In addition, you can check out the Eonian Care Re-heatable Wet and Dry Baby Wipe and Dispenser. You could also purchase refills and a baby wipes warmer to complement your purchase.
You can also check if your baby’s teat hole is not too big. Sometimes, you might change it to a slow-flowing teat, as gulping milk can make your little one sick.
Also, avoid forcing your little one to take more milk than they want, as this may be distressing.
If you notice that they’re getting violently sick, you can contact your doctor to have your baby checked.
Does formula milk make my bub constipated?
Always check the directions and use the recommended amount of powder on the packaging. Adding more can make your baby constipated and may even cause dehydration.
If your little one is around eight weeks old and hasn’t pooped in two to three days, you might want to check this with your midwife. Your baby should already be gaining weight and have several wet and dirty nappies.
Is it possible for my baby to be allergic to formula milk?
If you notice that your baby might have allergic reactions or intolerance to formula, you must talk with your doctor, as they can prescribe another unique formula.
Some milk formulas are hypoallergenic, but your baby might be having reactions to cow’s milk. You can use soya-based products. However, they are only given under medical supervision. That’s why it is vital to talk with your doctor before using soya-based or hypoallergenic formula.